Mold Inspection

Hiring a Professional Mold Inspector

It’s always best to hire a professional mold inspector to do the mold inspection for you. Thanks to mold inspectors’ experience and their knowledge of spots where mold most often hides, you can be sure that if there’s any mold in your home that they will find it.
Mold inspectors also use special equipment like moisture meters and fiber optics. This allows them to find hot spots where mold is most likely growing and look into hidden areas such as behind walls. This way they can find any and all hidden mold while barely disturbing your home.


Signs of Mold

Some common reasons to suspect you could have a mold problem include:

  • You are suffering allergic symptoms
  • You notice a mold smell
  • You have had a water problem, for example: flooding, leaking pipes or a leaking roof


(844) 379-5464


Goals of a Mold Inspection

There are two goals of a mold inspection. The first is to find if and where mold is growing in your home. The second is to find the water problem which caused the mold to grow in the first place.


(844) 379-5464